Thursday, August 27, 2015

BLW adventures

On Sunday evening while dinner was getting prepared, I remembered I had Parker's high chair stowed away in the closet, and with excitement I pulled it out and assembled it. Parker's almost 5 months old, and while he cant quite sit on his own yet, he's great at sitting in his bath seat, so I figured he could sit in his high chair, which was a success! He looked so precious in his high chair, which I'm sure he will quickly grow out of. These Ikea baby chairs were definitely not made for chunk babies.
He looked too cute in his high chair, but with no food in front of him he decided to nom on his hands. It was sad to see him look at our food, he seemed so hungry, which is how he has been the past month or two. So the next day, to impatient to wait until he turned 6 months, I decided to start our baby led weaning adventure. 

I had done quite a bit of research on baby led weaning, and while many people wait till 6 months, I also read many people start with vegetables and fruits at 5 months. He's sitting on his own, grabbing plates, trying to eat things, and whiny when we eat. All the signs are there!

So on Monday I decided to cute up some sticks of cucumber and set a couple of pieces in front of him. First, I helped assist him and put it in his mouth, his reaction was great! A little bit of confusion at first, then non stop sucking! 

(yes, we need to take a picture of every new food right mamas?)

Then we tried apple! Again it was a big hit! Although I think this little chunk man would love any food. 

He hasn't perfected picking up these slippery foods, so he brings it close to him and eats and chews on it on the tray, what a smart thinker. 


Yesterday I roasted a butternut squash, which I surprisingly had never eaten. I cut it up into some chunks and sticks, poured some olive oil over and cooked at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes I believe. My chunks were a little large so they took a while to get soft. I think butternut squash was the biggest hit! He wasn't just sucking on it, because it was soft he was able to actually eat pieces. Because its a little stringy we did have some gagging moments, but I just had to sit on my hands and know he would work it out, which he did. I also ate quite a bit, (and so did the cat and dog, they're perfect little vacuums!) and we all loved it!

This is such an exciting milestone and I cant wait to try out even more foods! So far butternut has been the winner and has lasted us two meal times, with more left overs. If anyone has any recipes or food recommendations, I would love to hear them! I'll definitely be keeping you updated on our future blw experiences.
Thank you for reading, xoxo

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