Let me just say, all the crying and screaming on the trip was well worth it. My heart is so full with love from today, I am so incredibly grateful for my whole family. After the meltdown on the way there, the rest of the day parker was just full of smiles, and flirty eyes, and overall just my littl eball of sunshine on this rainy day. We looked at goats and chickens, he was a bit scared of both.
We searched for a pumpkin, and he took a ride with his cousin in a little wagon and fell asleep within minutes, but then woke up when the ride got a bit too bumpy for him.
And then we went to an amazing pizza place, and Parker found himself a girlfriend. Sitting in his highchair, all of a sudden he spotted a waitress and could not stop staring and smiling and doing flirty eyes. This same thing happened this morning when I went out to breakfast. I can tell this boy is gonna give me some troubles!
Overall just looking back, this morning was all sorts of stressful, and in that moment I just could not see past it, but gosh, I am just the luckiest mama to have Parker.
And even with his runny nose and drooly mouth, I just wanna kiss his face all over the place!